

Apologies in advance for the short post, but I am SHATTERED!!  
Have been at a 2 day craft fair and had a ball!!  Great atmosphere, a high turnout and people spending...The perfect weekend!!  I also took a fairly large order that will keep me busy for a while...Happy Happy days!!

Here's a pic of my stall with my daughter Jo holding the fort.... 

 Was a tad worried about lilac overload but got lots of compliments so it obviously wasn't too in your face.  It was great to hear people say they had come to the event looking for me and my jewellery... Always good for the ego :)

I've been asked to create a masterpiece using a cold enamel kit from Homecrafts Direct... Having never tried cold enamelling I jumped at the chance of trying something new... I will be blogging about it keep an eye out for that!

So that's me for the week... I will be popping over to Handmade Harbour for Handmade Monday tomorrow and am looking forward to catching up with my fellow blogger's weeks...

Take care and bye for now!!

S x
